Sunday, November 28, 2010


I kind of like Adobe Illustrator now- not enough for it to be a go to drawing tool though...

I have been fighting with Adobe Illustrator over these last three weeks in my Advanced Computer Illustration class. But as I was rendering my Thanksgiving Dinner I finally made something that I was really happy with or at least a fragment of the drawing that I was satisfied with.
Above is a drawing done in Illustrator of one of the pieces of chocolate cake that my girlfriend and I shared from "Best Chocolate Cake In the World"- a Brazilian based mini-chain with one American location. It definitely lived up to it's name... some other places I have recently ate at and loved: Fanny, Spring St. Natural Restaurant, and Delicatessen.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent illustration John! Very different from your usual stuff. It's good.

    Did you save some Tofurkey for me?
