Finally finishing up this painting series- will have it bound and
printed in a book by Monday!
This particular painting is about a time in my life when I was obsessed with the American sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air". I was around the age of 7 or 8 years old and my mom let me get a flat top hair cut with steps shaved into the side of my head- modeled after Will Smith's hair doo in the aforementioned TV show.
At the time I was attending a private school and this did not go over well with my principal. She yelled at me so much that she made me cry and informed me that I was to either shave my head or not return to school. As a result of this unfortunate altercation from the ages of 7-13 I was bald- until entering a public high school upon which I began modeling my hair after Richard Hell and Johnny Thunders.